Public Speaker

Public Speaker

Courage, Justice, Peace, Freedom

Public speaking makes me think harder than I would in any other creative form, because it comes with research, knowledge, and facts displayed to a crowd based on my stance on an important topic. I’m Passionate about women empowerment, black people and their rights, about our stories being told, making the world better, believing in yourself, and why God loves you.

Speaking out for me frees another person to be able to speak.

The Million Man March in Columbia, SC started out with Leo Jones. He pulled us together to do something bigger than ourselves. We, black people, are excellent and around that time the media was trying to demonize protestors, but we wanted to dress up and change the narrative. We’re not here to fight racism, cause we’re not racists. But, we wanted to do things that will affect change by being allowed into a room to talk to people who can fight it about what matters. You can read more about it in this New York Times Article: The Dress Codes of the Uprising.

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